Saturday, January 12, 2013

Book Review - What Happened to Sophie Wilder

What Happened to Sophie Wilder by Christopher Beha

Absorbing, eloquent, engaging, clever could all be used to describe this book. A well written story that made me feel that I had an inside view of... oh who am I kidding, I don't really have it in me to write a good book review (something that I'm not that great at anyway), and I have three outstanding 2012 book review posts. I want to get them out. So there.

You know those movies with the privileged young men who wear suit coats and party in someone's Manhattan apartment? Yeah, I sort of felt like I was in one of those movies. There were complex relationships, people who seem super cool and mysterious (but are probably just 'socially awkward' with lots of confidence), and unfinished stories. Just like those movies, but with slightly less testosterone.

I don't want to give anything away, but this book ended in a way that I didn't expect and to be honest I found myself a little frustrated. OK, a lot. This is the only reason it went from an A to an A minus. I can't figure out if the ending was brilliant or not, or if I just totally missed something (ok, ok, I'll stop talking about the ending now). Either way, I look forward to reading Beha's other works.

Grade: A -

Books read since the beginning of 2012: 26

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