Thursday, June 25, 2015

Project 52 - Father's Day - Week 25


Some people have deep bonds with their moms, but for me I was always a daddy's girl. My dad has been the person who was always there for me growing up and is often the first person I call when I have questions about how to fix something or when I have big (or small) news. Father's Day is an important day to celebrate my dad, but really every day is.

I think I've made it clear on the blog how important my dad is to me, but I hope Riley really gets a sense of this too... and I hope she has a special spot for papa in her heart. Sometimes I wonder since my dad's a little old fashioned and can come off a little gruff (even when he's trying to joke around). I know Riley has a different relationship with him than with her other grandparents, but I know it's still an important one. She does enjoy going to his house (he has a piano and that big jug of pretzels!), and she always gives him a hug when we leave, but the other day she said something that helped me know that she really likes her papa. I don't remember her words exactly, but as she was getting ready for bed she noted that grandpa was silly. Really? I was worried that she only saw his gruff side, but here she said he was silly. I asked her why she said that and she mentioned a couple comments he made. Again, I had assumed she would have interpreted those moments differently so I was glad to hear that I was wrong.

I know time with my dad may be limited so I hope that his relationship with Riley continues to grow and that they end up with their own special bond. I want her to be able to look back years from now and and know that he left behind a lasting impact on her life.

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