Thursday, August 20, 2015

Project 52 - Saturdays - Week 33


My people were constructing this past weekend. Jesse was working on repairing the hole in our ceiling from a water leak. We left it open for a long time to make sure that the leak was fixed and finally feel confident to close it up. Knock on wood.

And Riley worked on putting together a book made out of magazine clippings. I told her she should do words and pictures so she cut out ads for the words and found a couple pictures of women that looked like me. Lol. She added some other pictures and then we stapled it together to make a book. Unfortunately, she only had workout, and home repair magazines. Not exactly exciting, but they did the trick. I love when we can find easy activities that entertain her for more than 5 minutes.

Not every weekend is super exciting, but that doesn't mean they aren't satisfying in the end. These are my people and this is our life.

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