Thursday, January 14, 2016

Project 52 - Lucy Again - week 2


This week was cold. The first really cold week this winter. So I decided to bundle up and head outdoors to capture that. I did my research, grabbed my bubble juice and like any 43 year old would do, I blew bubbles in my back yard with the hope of them freezing (and hoping my neighbors didn't think I was crazy). I wanted to capture this amazing picture of the sunlight streaming through a frozen bubble. But it turns out that this only works if it's not remotely windy and it helps if it was sunny. Unfortunately, the weather just wasn't cooperating.

I wandered around my small yard trying to find something else cool to photograph or something that defined our lives right now. Nothing. Defeated, I went inside, laid on the floor... and was greeted by the cat. I realized that this is my life right now. I work from home, I don't leave the house except to go to the gym or to run the odd errand. It's me and the cat while Jesse's at work and Riley's at school. And even though Lucy was front and center last week in my project 52, I think she deserves a shout out again. Why? Because she hasn't pooped outside of her litter box for a week and a half (please, please don't curse me because I put that out into the universe). December was an especially horrific month in that she pooped somewhere other than her litter box 29 out of 31 days. It was the worst. I'm not sure if it's a behavioral thing or if I should be worried about her health (my last two cats went AWOL from the litter box in the last days of their lives). I'm working with the Vet on this, but haven't been very successful with the tactics we've tried.

I commented to Jesse that I don't think Lucy's pooped outside of the litter box since Riley started picking her up and carrying her around the house. Oddly, Jesse's now holding her more than usual. I'm guessing there isn't a correlation, but what the heck - Lucy seems to like/tolerate the attention so who am I to let them think otherwise.

Lucy also gets to be the center of attention this week since we accidentally locked her in Riley's room for about 5 hours on Monday morning... and then did it again on Wednesday and Thursday, but luckily for only about 10 minutes. I couldn't figure out why it sounded like a baby was crying in Riley's room. Sorry Lucy.

So yeah, Lucy definitely gets to get her own feature... again.

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