Monday, April 23, 2012

April Photo a Day - Week 3

April Photo a Day inspired by Fat Mum Slim


Rain kept me from getting a good sunset picture, but this was taken at the official time of sunset. I took a bunch of pictures that showed the trees and sky clearly, but I liked the blurred view taken through this wet window screen. It felt like a better reflection of the weather.


It's been pretty nice weather here in MN... flowers blooming early... dandelions popping up all over my yard. Until this day, which started with snow and rain. Even the dandelions wanted nothing to do with it and shriveled up. Riley just got this pinwheel flower the day before at a baby shower so it seemed like a nice substitute.

Something you don't like

I'm sure there are things that I don't like, but the only 'for sure' thing that I could think of  this day was centipedes. Ugh, they give me the heebee jeebees. Lucky for me I didn't actually see any so I had to find something else. We have a house that was built in the '40's and has wonderful glass door knobs... except on a couple doors. People who used to rent the house replaced them with ugly bronze knobs with locks. I recently took the knobs off as Riley knows how to lock them (trouble ahead!). I'd like to put the glass knobs back on, but now the holes are too big. Now I have to make the decision to either get new doors to use with the old glass knobs or just find some other door knobs. In the meantime they look like this. At least my kid won't end up locking herself in one of these rooms.


Riley has fine, wispy, very blond hair. She obviously did not get this from me. It's gotten a little long and has a bit of a mullet shape so we are planning a haircut soon (done - read about it here). I'm a little torn about getting it cut, but it's probably time to get it cleaned up.


This is my Built brand bag I use to haul my food and stuff to work. I'd recommend checking these bags out as they are pretty awesome.

Something you drew

I'm not much of an artist as you can tell, but I sure pumped out a lot of one eyed women in the late '80's. Apparently, I couldn't make two eyes that looked normal so I did the bangs over one eye thing. This beauty came from 1988.


Or bottles... as you can see we have a plethora of water bottles... most of which I don't use anymore. And to top it off I won another one at work the day before I took this picture.

See April Photo a Day week 1, and 2.

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