Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy Anniversary to us

Six and a half years ago I was talked into joining after some nudging from a friend. I was only on there a week when Jesse 'winked' at me and a week later (after some sorta last minute planning) we were on our first date. We had a comfortable dinner at French Meadow Bakery and Cafe (beside the blinding sun that glared off the white house across the street), followed by a walk around lake Calhoun and tea at The Tea Garden. After power dating for 2 weeks (6 dates with 5 different guys) I felt relieved to go on a date with a seemingly normal guy. One of my rules was to not get into the car of one of these dates on the first date, but I even broke that with Jesse. Earlier in the week I went on a date with a different guy who tried to go in for a kiss at the end of the date. One of my other rules was to not kiss on the first date and I let him know so. I thought he would respect that, but then came in for another try. *sigh*. 'No' means 'no', buddy. At the end of my date with Jesse he didn't even try to kiss me. It came across as gentlemanly instead of disinterested. Later a friend asked what I would have done if Jesse had gone in for the kiss. I had to admit I totally would have let him. Needless to say I walked away from the date hopeful and couldn't wait to see him again.

Fast forward to Saturday, 4/21 - our three year wedding anniversary. We decided that we wanted to replicate our first date by eating at French Meadow Cafe and walking around Lake Calhoun, only this time we would have our 2 year old daughter with us. Since there was to be rain that day we decided to go to the lake earlier in the day. And instead of walk around the lake we took Riley to the toddler playground where an older girl followed her around the whole time wanting to play. It was a bit chillier than we cared for and after seeing Riley shiver a number of times we headed home. Luckily we left when we did as the rain came about a minute after we got into the car.

Nature is cool.

Riley's stalker, er, I mean, new friend from the park. As Riley walked away from the duck she said "bye duck" and then blew him a kiss. *heart melting*

After Riley's nap we headed out to French Meadow Bakery and Cafe where we had a delicious and mellow dinner.

This child is obsessed with her ABC's. I can't wait until she can start writing them so she stops making us do so all the time.

I had the seared tilapia which was wonderful even with rice that was on the crunchy side. 

Coloring and ABC's was no longer cutting it so we had to pull out the iPad for Riley. I think she uses it more than I do. We shared the fruit crisp. It was okay, and I might have liked it more if it hadn't had rhubarb in it. Yuck.

The offending white house from 6+ years ago.

The night ended with us watching a mediocre movie, ...and, of course, a kiss from my honey. I can't wait to do this many times over.

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